New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th, 2019--Getting Ready for the Holly Daze!

This New Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter is a time of expansion. With the planet Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, always think of MORE! These are enlightening energies--playing with fire types; ones to make others sit up and take notice, stepping away from those things that make you comfortable and then taking daring risks and stepping forward. Sagittarius is the most jovial, happy go lucky of the Fire signs and always keeps moving--never slows down! Sagittarius rules the Ninth House, this is all about expanding the mind, a higher degree of learning, elevated consciousness, what you personally believe in, your faith. The Third Eye chakra type is another association.  Who will feel this the most? Sagittarius and Gemini...or those who have personal planets posited in Third and Ninth Houses.

This month in the early evening skies you have been able to see the planets Jupiter and Saturn and this week Venus will also be visible along with them. Clear nights at dusk are a perfect time to see them all. The New Moon energies will peak at 10:05 AM EST on Tuesday morning, November 26th, 2019.

As always every month, this is a collection of randomly selected articles about this New Moon that you can quickly read through and share with others. 


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