
Showing posts from October, 2019

Honouring Our Ancestors at Samhain! Follow the #TarotBlogHop!

I am last on this you can go to the: PREVIOUS BLOG or the MASTER LIST or BACK TO THE BEGINNING ! PLEASE SHARE THIS TAROTBLOGHOP WITH FRIENDS Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, Halloween, Day of the Dead and the Celtic New Year are different names for the same Feast Day/Sabbat/Holiday. The celebrations are virtually the same: the "thinning of the veil," the honouring of the ancestors and the preparations made for the "Dark Time" or the cold part of the year--the season of winter. Currently, we celebrate this holiday on October 31st with the calendar we use now. Centuries ago, there were no calendars and most people did not read or write. Therefore, the calendar these people used was made up of the cosmic changes in the sky. The actual Halloween is when the Sun enters 15 degrees of of Scorpio, an Astrological point in time also called the "Cross Quarter Day." Samhain Fires I n ages past, this holiday was a brilliant fire festival

Diana's Bow Moon Phase in Sagittarius for October 29-30, 2019--Just in Time for Samhain!

Welcome to the new column for the Diana's Bow Moon Phase! ***You will be able to see this Moon if the sky is clear--in the western sky a few hours before sunset and it will remain there for a few hours after the Sun goes down. (These hours will shift a bit and the sky will be darker after the clocks go back on November 3rd, 2019.) The Moon will appear as a crescent with the open end facing left--so the right side of the moon will be illuminated. Sometimes one will also be able to see the dark portion or dark side of the moon, appearing almost shadow-like and depending on the light in the sky. ***This forecast is for everyone, not just Sagittarius. It is also important to know where Sagittarius is on your Astrological Chart. It will take introspection to determine how this phase is unique to YOU. (For info on Astrology Charts and other services-- CLICK HERE !) The Moon will go from the New Moon (Dark Moon) in the water sign of Scorpio on Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

New Moon in Scorpio on October 27th, 2019--In the Spirit of the Samhain Season!

This New Moon in Scorpio will be a great time to start new things: projects, personal goals, perhaps gaining the courage to start a conversation with that new amour! Scorpio is about sex, death, transformation and other people's monies. Sometimes pleasurable things, other times--NOT! The Moon will be opposite the transiting planet of Uranus, which brings sudden and unexpected changes, perhaps in the realm of relationships (this phase could TEST them), money or perhaps some shadowy elements from your own "dark side," so be prepared for revamping your plans or have a "Plan B" way ahead of time. Mercury Retrograde is also coming up and has been in "the shadow" since the 11th of October. These are perfect energies to get your Ancestor Altar ready for a Samhain ritual! This New Moon will be at it's peak position at 11:38 PM EST on October 27th, 2019. So get ready! As always every month, this is a collection of randomly selected articles about th

Full Moon in Aries on 10/13! Combustible Energy? It Depends!

Here is my collection of newsworthy articles about this weekend's upcoming Full Moon in Aries! Will we survive? It depends on who you ask, what sign you are, how the transit of this Full Moon will hit the houses and planets in your personal natal chart and all kinds of other extenuating, celestial movements up there!  Plan for movement, quick action, fun and assertive decision making, some spur of the moment activities that will keep you busy and engaged! If you want to fight or argue with loved ones and friends, then take it back to what gives you bliss and joy. This can be a really entertaining weekend if you make it so! Be conscious of safety as you travel or drive anywhere as we are also in the shadow of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde on Samhain, October 31st and we can feel those vibes even now.

Quick Lenormand Readings via TEXT!



For legal purposes, spiritual consultations and intuitive readings are for entertainment purposes only. Consultations are given in sacred space and with the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. Clients/querents must be over 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian present. If they are an emancipated minor, they must present their documentation. Readings and consultations are not meant to substitute or supersede counseling with a licensed mental, social or health care professional. Tarot and Stars is not responsible for any liability regarding consultations and readings as we do not direct the client/querent to specific actions but give them choices and possibilities.

Aria Sparrowsong at
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