Showing posts from February, 2022
So many Astrological aspects are happening around this Full Moon that will change us dramatically over the next few weeks. The Aquarius and Leo polarities (New Moon and today's Sun in Aquarius and today's Full Moon in Leo) speak on the impersonal and then the personal. This Full Moon is about the personal/ego issues that affect all of us, revelations that change us and how we express ourselves. The most interesting aspect right now is the Mars and Venus conjunction in Capricorn. Interesting realizations about love will be happening--integrity, commitments and promises take center stage. Not just love in a communal and global aspect, but personally and the divine kind! Sex will also be a focus! I pulled the 8 of Wands, the Ace of Cups and the Chariot; especially focusing our direction on those we love and our love relationships. With the bottom of the deck is the 7 of Swords, make sure the ones you are devoted to are worthy of what you are giving and not taking from you! *** I
For legal purposes, spiritual consultations and intuitive readings are for entertainment purposes only. Consultations are given in sacred space and with the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. Clients/querents must be over 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian present. If they are an emancipated minor, they must present their documentation. Readings and consultations are not meant to substitute or supersede counseling with a licensed mental, social or health care professional. Tarot and Stars is not responsible for any liability regarding consultations and readings as we do not direct the client/querent to specific actions but give them choices and possibilities.