
Showing posts from November, 2021

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on Friday, 11/19/21--Go Down Deep to Find Your Comfort Zone

This will be an intense Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse experience--and this is the Full Beaver Moon. Get ready, Taureans and Scorpios, fixed signs--and this will affect you two the most! Tightly wound? Stressed on life? Need to cut loose? This might be the perfect time to do this! Within reason, of course! The Full Moon will peak in the early morning hours for most of us here in the US and the Lunar Eclipse will take place during that time-frame, too. Here on the East Coast, we will be able to see it if we get up early and if there is no cloud cover--at 3:57 AM to be exact. Look to your local media to find out exact times for viewing where you are. NPR says: " NASA  predicts  the eclipse will last over 3 hours and 28 minutes. That would make it the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years, according to the  Holcomb Observatory  at Butler University. " So how can we look at this from the spiritual? Approach this Moon with a sense of wonder and acknowledgement that this power is way

Dark Moon in Scorpio Thursday, 11/4/21--What Work Do You Need to Do With Your Shadow Side?

Art by Josephine Wall This is sometimes the Dark Moon that many of us are afraid of as it also coincides with the Sun in Scorpio. The Sun sheds it's revealing light on everything, the Moon is about our emotional and inner selves and "going into the deep." Scorpio and it's ruling planet, Pluto (yes, Pluto is still a planet) has always gotten a bad rap and is known as the bad-ass of the Zodiac. It is all about death, destruction, renewal, rebirth and new life--all necessary states of being. This means we have to deal with those things that we keep secret, the wild part of ourselves that we don't want others to see. Scorpio is water and all about emotional balance but with a hot, desert-like kind of steam--and what creates steam? Fire and Water! Scorpions desire water and will search for it, but they also want to thrive in warm spaces and seek those out as well.  Here are some personal questions to ask.  What are those things we don't need anymore that tie into o


For legal purposes, spiritual consultations and intuitive readings are for entertainment purposes only. Consultations are given in sacred space and with the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. Clients/querents must be over 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian present. If they are an emancipated minor, they must present their documentation. Readings and consultations are not meant to substitute or supersede counseling with a licensed mental, social or health care professional. Tarot and Stars is not responsible for any liability regarding consultations and readings as we do not direct the client/querent to specific actions but give them choices and possibilities.

Aria Sparrowsong at
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