Showing posts from December, 2020
See the video at the link below of my special Full Moon in Cancer reading and tell me what you think. Leave me a comment below! tarotandstars #TAROTANDSTARS #tarotwitch #tarotintampa #tampatarot #fullmoonincancer #tampalocal #tarotilluminati #thepoweroftherunes #gildedreverielenormand #tarottribe #tarotcommunity #cardaday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofig #fullmoonritual #lenormandreadersofig #lenormandreadersofinstagram #lenormandcommunity #lenormandtribe #runereadersofig #runereadersofinstagram #runecommunity #runetribe #lenormandintampa #runesintampa #tamparunes #tampalenormand 🧙♀️🔮🃏⭐🌛❤🌞🎶🐦
Happy, HAPPY Solstice and a New UPDATE for anyone that follows my blog!
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Anita Stewart
First of all, hope everyone is having a wonderful couple of weeks with family, friends and loved ones! Whatever holiday you happen to celebrate, it truly is a beautiful and cosmic time of year. I have so much to update you on... The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is going into the sign of Aquarius and is happening right now in the sky and it is Winter Solstice/Yule evening...the energy I am feeling is that despite the uncertainties all around us, I think most of us are going to be alright. (More to come on the Full Moon in Cancer a few days before New Year's...) We will be learning how to untangle ourselves from the old and useless ways of doing things and creating a world that is more functional and for the good of ALL. At the same time we will be teaching ourselves to be more adaptable. Get ready! I just sat in ritual several times over the course of 2 days and I am definitely feeling the pressure to be grateful despite this tumultuous and personally challenging year
New Moon in Sagittarius and a Solar Eclipse on December 14th--Getting Ready for the Grand Conjunction and the Age of Aquarius
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Anita Stewart
As we head into the holiday season, we also get closer to the significant cosmic changes above us. The Dark or New Moon in Sagittarius will be peaking approximately 11:16 AM EST on Monday, November 14th, 2020 and joined by a total solar eclipse (visible only in the Southern Hemisphere). Time to think of the higher mind, the Ajna or Third Eye. It is also a time to focus on elevated thoughts and the lofty areas of advanced study. Perhaps going inward is appropriate for some deep soul searching. We can travel that way or even cosmically, but in reality, 2020 has been a horrible year for Sagittarius, the "traveler" of the Zodiac. Sagittarius is not so stoic and serious, however. Key words for them are "freedom" and "fun." And they will strive to do either, never completely married to what it is they ARE doing as they are always on the move to seek a better place or situation. So questions to ask ourselves if our Suns, Ascendants or Moons are not in Sagittarius
For legal purposes, spiritual consultations and intuitive readings are for entertainment purposes only. Consultations are given in sacred space and with the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. Clients/querents must be over 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian present. If they are an emancipated minor, they must present their documentation. Readings and consultations are not meant to substitute or supersede counseling with a licensed mental, social or health care professional. Tarot and Stars is not responsible for any liability regarding consultations and readings as we do not direct the client/querent to specific actions but give them choices and possibilities.