Art by Josephine Wall
(This is a repost from my original post last year, just slightly edited.)
Lammas / Lughnassad is the only Sabbat that does not have a major Christian holy day or celebration attached to it. It is still a sacred time--as summer winds to a close it is the beginning of preparations for the Dark Time of the year. The Celtic Sun God, Lugh rules this special time as does John Barleycorn, who puts all of his energy in the crops and lays down to die beckoning the coming Fall season. It is thought that in times past, many fairs and festivals were happening during this part of the Wheel of the Year and of course, the First Harvest was the highlight of the Summer. The harvesting of the barley, wheat and corn kept egalitarian people busy and in the fields. Celebrating the fruits of their labor with copious amounts of beer and bread (and the shaping of the bread into the Lady and the Lord) was customary. Wheels of wood or straw wreaths, decorated with flowers and ribbons were set alight and rolled down a hill to symbolize the turning of the Wheel of the Year. There was also the Burning Man tradition--the burning of a huge straw or wooden effigy representing the Sun God. You can see the trailer for the 1973 movie "Wicker Man"
HERE about that (I have not found this movie for free yet online)...or attend the huge, annual festival in Black Rock, Nevada called "
Burning Man" which is definitely more festie than spiritual. This year, Lughnasadh will coincide with the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3rd, 2020. The Moon is currently in it's waxing phase and a perfect time for celebrations and magickal work. A happy time! Watch this blog for another post about the upcoming Full Moon energies.

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